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Monday, September 5, 2016

Sherry Wine Demi-Glace Flat Iron Steak

I looked forward to this meal all week. I love a good steak and mashed potatoes!  I was terrified of the brussels sprouts, but I thought they would be a good balance with the things I like.  I was also excited to try a new ingredient: demi-glace. 

You start by prepping the ingredients, chopping the potatoes and halving the brussels sprouts.  Start the potatoes in some boiling water and carmelize the sprouts in some olive oil then add water to steam them the rest of the way. 

When the sprouts are cooked, drizzle with balsamic vinegar and set to the side in a dish.

Focus back on the potatoes.  When they're fork tender, drain them and add them back to the pot.
Add cream, butter - which was in individual pats like you would get at a buffet, but they did the job.  Season with salt and pepper and mash. Between the butter and cream,  I found that there was way too much liquid for the potatoes. They seemed really runny.  But I left them in the hot pot while I cooked the steak and they thickened back up a little.

Heat the pan you used for the sprouts back over medium-high and add the steaks.  Get a good sear and flip.  Cook for a total of 10 minutes for medium rare.  Set the steaks to the side to rest and start the demi-glace in the same pan.  Scoop in the demi-glace, which is a sort of beefy gelatin. Add water and sherry and cook down for two to three minutes.  When it has a saucy consistency, get ready to plate.

Pile up a serving of potatoes on the back of the plate and stack up some sprouts opposite of the potatoes.  Lay the steak up next to the veggies and pour the sauce in front of the steak and garnish the brussels sprouts with Parmesan cheese.
The flat-iron steaks were surprisingly tender and flavorful.  The sauce complimented the meat perfectly.  Jesse said the brussels sprouts were good.  He ate them right up.  For me, they were probably the tastiest sprouts I've had, but I still tried to eat them quickly and just get them out of the way.  The potatoes were super creamy and also tasted great with the demi-glace sauce.  I was definitely ready for my last Home Chef meal - Charred Caprese Tartine!

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