The tuna burgers looked delicious and I was looking forward to a healthy meal to get us ready for along run the next morning. I have to admit, I started to lose my appetite when I saw the mixed greens among my ingredients.

The greens were wilty, almost to the point of being liquid. Now, I didn't eat this meal the first day that it arrived, but in a box of three meals, I expect each meal to last three days. I started this one on the third day. I just tossed it out and moved on with the rest of the ingredients. You begin with prepping the veggies, slice up the fennel and olives and stem the beans. Season the beans with salt and pepper and toss in some olive oil. Spread them out on a foil-lined baking sheet. Roast them in a 450 degree oven for ten minutes. Then sprinkle parmesan cheese over the beans and put them back in the oven for a couple of minutes.

Then mix together the ground yellowfin tuna with the breadcrumbs and roll out into patties. Heat some oil in the pan and cook the burgers about 5-6 minutes on each side, while you toast the buns. Now is when you would dress the salad, fennel and olives. I just tossed the dressing with the fennel and olives and put that on top of the burgers, instead of having any salad as a side.
Plate by smearing the roasted red pepper ketchup on the bottom bun, topping with the burger and adding the fennel salad on top. Serve with beans on the side.
The beans were delicious, crunchy and salty from the cheese. The burgers were huge. I actually wish I would have made them into three burgers instead of two, there was just so much tuna. Jesse complained I didn't put enough ketchup on them, but I thought it was oozing out the sides. Seemed like just enough to me. I'm really not a ketchup fan, but this was a really good, tangy flavor.
On to the next meal:
Pesto Orzo Steak
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