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Food from a Kit - It's What's for Dinner

If you're like me, your Facebook feed and Pinterest are filled with sponsored ads from any number of meal kit sites with offers of ...

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Food from a Kit - It's What's for Dinner

If you're like me, your Facebook feed and Pinterest are filled with sponsored ads from any number of meal kit sites with offers of free or discounted boxes to entice you give it a try.  

It feels like I spend half my Saturday mornings planning out a week's worth of dinners and the other half fighting to get my cart down the aisles at the grocery store.  All so that I can spend big bucks on groceries that are just going to go bad in my fridge.  

So the idea of not having to worry about what's for dinner really appealed to me. But I did have some concerns.  I love to cook and chopping vegetables is cathartic to me - would a kit be challenging and interesting enough to keep us eating at home?  Which kit is the right one for me?  I don't eat fast food everyday, but I'm not the healthiest eater.  I'll admit it -  the sight of broccoli strikes fear in my heart. 

Jesse and I
I searched online to see if anyone else had compared these kits.  All I found were what felt like sponsored reviews for just one kit or another - nothing that side by side compared them.   I decided to dive right in.  I grabbed my computer and ordered my first box.  I'll be snapping pics along the way and writing reviews of each meal, as well as each service and it's website, itself.  It's just my husband, Jesse and I in our household (and our dog, Rocco, but hopefully, he doesn't get many of these dinners!). So whenever possible, we'll be testing out the 2 serving boxes. Oh, and it's summertime in Florida, which means if a box of food on the porch can survive here, it can survive anywhere!

Rocco - probably begging for food
See how the meal kits stack up in my comparison chart.  So far, I'm planning on testing Hello FreshHome ChefBlue ApronGreen Chef and Cooking Light. If you know of another kit and you want Jesse and I to be the guinea pigs for you, send me a link or the name in the comments!  

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